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Live Dial implements custom call center services programs that help businesses and online companies get closer to their markets and their customers, reinforce customer loyalty and express their unique brand. We reduce our client's cost of doing business. Our inbound services include customer service, order processing and order taking, help desk, email and chat at super affordable low rates. Live Dial has the people, process, systems and technology in place to make a seamless, powerful impact on any business. 

Live Dial call center services operate 24/7, so we can extend your hours of inbound call center customer service into the evenings, overnight and weekends. And we can handle overflow calls during your peak business periods. Or you can outsource your entire call center operation to us. We are a 24 7 call center inbound contact center. Whether you need to service an inbound call or an outbound call our call center has the skills to master both at the same time.

What distinguishes Live Dial customer service?

Our people. Live Dial  provides clients with the maturity, education and experience that is rare in the call center services industry. All of our call center agents are premise-based at one of our contact center facilities – they do not work from home. Our on-site call center staffing model promotes better quality assurance, work performance monitoring, knowledge-sharing and reinforcement of lessons learned during training sessions. We do not source our clients' customer service outsourcing programs with any other service providers.

Live Dial can quickly scale your call center outsourcing program -- either adding to your team or reducing it -- according to changes in your seasonal call volume. Many businesses need more inbound call center support staff closer to the end of the year and fewer the rest of the year. Our call center staffing model provides you with flexible staffing resources, and saves you the trouble of hiring and laying off employees.

Business Team
In a Meeting
Investment Chart
Team Meeting
Key Speaker
Marketing team meeting
People Working in Open Office
Video Editing
Professional Meeting
Analyzing the Markets
Office Call
Call Center
Customer Support Agent
Customer Support Representative 2
Customer Service Rep
Live Dial 24
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